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Reveal Processing

System Features

Point and Go Processing

Many filtering and eDiscovery tools require users to do some form of preprocessing prior to the ingestion of data. This preprocessing includes unzipping of non-email archives, separation of email and efiles, and assigning data to a particular custodian.

Discovery Manager requires no preprocessing. Simply point to the source folder and Discovery Manager will recursively go through all subfolders and files to process the entire import. Discovery Manager will, among other things, unzip all non-email archive file types, handle loose email file types in their native format, extract all attachments from email, identify and automatically separate email from non-email file types, and allow flexible data assignment on the import, folder, or file level to one or more custodians.

File Type Recognition via File Signature

All files that pass through the system are recognized via the file’s signature. Unlike an extension, a file signature cannot be altered.

Non Native Text and Metadata Extraction

Discovery Manager quickly extracts metadata and text from over 400 file types without the use of any native applications. There are certain applications needed to process certain file types but they are not needed to extract the text and the metadata from the files.

Single Instance Storage

Discovery Manager uses the MD5 Hash algorithm to hash all of the files imported into each project. Discovery Manager processes original non duplicative data across the entire project, which lessens the overall size of the processing folder. Discovery Manager keeps a record of all files, including duplicates in the database, to repopulate duplicates on the custodian or project level for reporting and exporting purposes.

File Filtering

There are three project setup settings where a file may be filtered out of a project. These settings are: Excluding NIST Documents, applying a Project Level Date Restriction, and File Type Processing Options. If a file is filtered out of a project due to a project setting, a record of that file is kept in the database for reporting purposes. This enables the client to account for all files, but the native file will not be added to the project.

OLE Embedded Objects

If a file has OLE embedded content, Discovery Manager will extract the text from the entire embedded object if it is from a recognized file type based upon project settings. Discovery Manager will not create a separate file for the embedded object.

Best in Class OCR Engine

When it comes to OCR, customers want speed and accuracy – not one or the other. Discovery Manager incorporates OmniPage from Kofax as its embedded OCR engine, which was developed and improved in ways that offer the best methods for balancing speed and accuracy based on the intended purpose. Using OmniPage’s robust auto-language detection, Discovery Manager can OCR in 122 different languages (including CJK) on the fly without forcing the user to manually decide what languages to OCR.

Flexible Custodian Assignment

With the Custodian Management module, it is easy to assign or unassign data to a Custodian after the data has been processed and loaded into the tool. Imported data may be assigned on the import, folder or file level to each Custodian. In addition, users can identify ESI source information when assigning data to a Custodian.

Capture ESI Source Information

Capture the collection location and ESI source during Custodian assignment. This feature, when used, can identify location and ESI source information for any variable dataset created within Discovery Manager.

Automatic Search Term and Search Group Update After Import

All search terms and Keyword Groups are automatically queried against all new data that is imported into Discovery Manager, and all terms counts and Keyword Group counts are updated automatically within the system. Selective Sets are only updated if the user right clicks on the Selective Set and selects Refresh File Counts.

Selective Set Module

Even the most novice users can write and save SQL queries without having to be a SQL expert using the Selective Set Module within Discovery Manager. After importing data, slice and dice the data using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to define a subset of the entire data population. After defining and saving the unique subset of data, the Selective Set will update automatically to the new data imported into your project that is responsive to the query.

Robust Reporting

Reporting is typically an afterthought for most eDiscovery tools. Discovery Manager was developed with reporting in mind within every step of the eDiscovery process. Utilizing Discovery Manager’s simplified workflow, users can apply any of the 30+ reports to any set of data within the project.

Flexible Export Dedupe Scopes

Beyond deduplicating by either project or Custodian only, the new Flexible Dedupe Scope in the Export Module allows a user to define additional criteria for deduplication and precedence of master documents by specifying prior export scopes to be incorporated into deduplication, both for export and reporting purposes.