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Reveal Processing

Antivirus Exclusions (Optional)

When processing data, Reveal Processing (RP) Desktop uses temporary folders to process unstructured data. Once processing of these files has been completed, the temporary folders are purged. Antivirus software can negatively impact these processing activities such that some clients may wish to disable antivirus within the processing environment. The choice to disable antivirus is a security / performance tradeoff that should be driven by an organization's risk tolerance.

The default Temp Folder for Discovery Manager contains several subfolders created underneath this specified base path. Underneath each of the folders specified below another subfolder with the machine name is created. Each one of these subfolders has a different purpose within RP Desktop which can contain different antivirus implications.

The default Temp Folder for Outlook defaults to the path below. Of all the items referenced, this one has the greatest potential of causing issues when not set properly. Whenever saving out attachments natively, RP Desktop will save them directly to the processing folder or directly to the export location. However, Outlook will create a tmp file for the attachment at this location. Lock contention of the temp file can result in the MAPI interface freezing and subsequent problems processing.

RP Desktop Temp Folder Paths and Antivirus Configurations

The following describes folders that you may want to exclude from antivirus scanning:

  • Discovery Manager Temp Base Path

    • Default Path

      • C:\ProgramData\Mindseye\Discovery Manager\Temp

      • This path can be changed at installation time or within the Discovery Manager desktop user interface. If not changed, the above path is the default path.

    • Images Subfolder

      • [Default Path]\IMAGES;IMG

      • When manually printing documents in QC images are stored in this folder during document processing prior to being copied to the processing folder.

    • Processing Subfolder

      • [Default Path]\PROCESSING;PROC

      • Used at export time to save the MHT or PDF converted document for Lotus Notes email items. This is a rendering of the DXL file through Oracle’s Outside In, and does not involve launching any type of native application.

      • During export time, PST files are copied to this folder. The PST is directly accessed from this location, and the generated email is saved to the processing folder as well as the export location. The generated emails are not saved directly to this folder.

      • Used during loose archive extraction, loose archives are copied to this location and iterated through. Their children are saved directly to the processing folder, and not locally in the temp path.

Outlook Temp Folder Path and Antivirus Configurations

The following describes the temporary folder path Outlook uses that you may want to exclude from antivirus scanning:

  • Outlook

    • Outlook Secure Temp Folder

      • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook


        • The KB article provides information around the location of this folder. Discovery Manager does not modify the registry setting associated with this path, so the default path will be used.

Lotus Notes Temp Folder Path and Antivirus Configurations

The following describes the temporary folder path Lotus Notes uses that you may want to exclude from antivirus scanning:

  • Lotus Notes

    • Lotus Notes Temp Folder

      • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\notes*

        • Upon opening the NSF file, a folder will be generated at the above path with the word notes in it, but the folder name will be unique to the machine. The following is an example of one of these folder paths:

          • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\notes93F5BC