APPENDIX D - Export Load File Field Descriptions
Below is a listing of the standard fields contained within the Load File Options in the Export Module.
Any fields created by using the Processing Options - Email -> Field Out All Email Metadata setting will not be listed below. However, these custom parsed fields will be available in the Export Module -> Load File Options.
Common Fields | Type | Description |
TVFILEID | The Discovery Manager unique identifier. Populated for all files. | |
TVDUPEID | The Discovery Manager duplicate identifier. Only populated with the TVFILEID of the original file if the file is a duplicate within the system. | |
TVFAMILYID | The Discovery Manager family identifier. Populated for all files with the TVFILEID of the parent item across the entire family. | |
TVPARENTID | The Discovery Manager parent identifier. Only populated for attachments, archive children, and embedded objects with the TVFILEID of the parent item. | |
UTCOFFSET | This is the time zone offset from GMT that the data was processed in. For example, if the data was processed in GMT-5 this would be populated with -5.00. This is the native time zone offset field for Relativity® Exports. | |
EMPTY FIELD | Blank field. | |
PROJECTNAME | Name of the project. | |
EXPORTNAME | Name of the export or commonly referred to as CD Volume. | |
CUSTODIAN | Custodian name. | |
FILEID | The “bates number” of the file which is a unique, sequential number assigned to each efile, email, and atachment in the collection based on the File Numbering setting chosen at export time. All below examples will use the FILEID when being populated. This is the file identifier for Relativity® Exports. | |
FILEIDCHILDLIST | Multi-Value | All parent items that have attachments will be populated with the FILEID(s) of their attachments. If the parent item has multiple attachments, the FILEID values will be separated with a semicolon. |
PARENTCHILDDOCID | All efiles, parent emails, and loose parent emails will be populated with their FILEID_001. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the parent item’s FILEID_002, etc. So if a parent email has the FILEID TV-00000001 and has one attachment TV-00000002 the parent email = TV-00000001_001 and the attachment = TV-00000001_002. | |
BEGATTACH | All Efiles, Parent Emails, and loose Parent Emails will be populated with their FILEID. All attachments and embedded objects within the family will be populated with the Parent item’s FILEID. So if a Parent Email has the FILEID TV-00000001 all files within the family will = TV-00000001. This is the group identifier for Relativity® Exports. | |
ENDATTACH | All efiles without embedded objects and parent emails without attachments will be populated with their FILEID. All items within the family will be populated with the last item within the family’s FILEID. So if the last item in the family was FILEID TV-00000002 all items within the family would = TV-00000002. | |
NUMATTACH | All efiles, parent emails, and loose parent emails with no attachments will be populated with 0. Parent emails with attachments, loose parent emails with attachments and efiles with embedded objects will be populated with the number of attachments within the family. So if an email has an attachment the parent email = 1 the attachment = 0. | |
VOLUMENAME | The name of the Volume assigned to the file. This is only populated when using the Enable Volume and Folder Options. | |
IMAGEPAGECOUNT | Total number of images exported. | |
IMAGESTATUS | The image status of the file. Not Imaged = The file has not been imaged yet; Not Supported = the file is not supported for system imaging; Success = the file was successfully imaged; Errored = The system attempted to image but errored it out; Pending = the file is within an imaging job but has not been imaged yet. | |
IMAGEMANUAL | Boolean | If the file was manually imaged within QC, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
IMAGEPLACEHOLDER | Boolean | If the file has no images associates with it, and an image placeholder exists for the file, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
IMAGEQCCOMMENT | Displays the QC Comment of the file if the file was moved to QC Cleared and a comment was applied within QC. | |
ISREDACTED | Boolean | If redacted images were imported for the file, this field will be populated as TRUE. |
BATESBEG | Beginning bates number of the file. | |
BATESEND | Ending bates number of the file. | |
BATESBEGATTACH | All efiles, parent emails, and loose parent emails will be populated with their BATESBEG value. All attachments and embedded objects within the family will be populated with the parent item’s BATESBEG value. So if a parent email has the BATESBEG IMAGE-00000001 all files within the family will have BATESBEGATTACH IMAGE-00000001. This is the group identifier for Relativity® Exports. | |
BATESENDATTACH | All efiles without embedded objects and parent emails without attachments will be populated with their BATESEND value. All items within the family will be populated with the last bates number. So if the last page within the family was IMAGE-00000100 all items within the family will have BATESENDATTACH IMAGE-00000100. | |
BATESFAMILYRANGE | Family boundary expressed as the family's BATESBEGATTACH-BATESENDATTACH. | |
BATESCHILDLIST | Multi-Value | All parent items that have attachments will be populated with the BATESBEG(s) of their attachments. If the parent item has multiple attachments, the BATESBEG values will be separated with a semicolon. |
DOCUMENTTYPE | Efile = EFILE; Parent Email = EMAIL; Attachment/Embedded Object = ATTACHMENT. | |
DOCUMENTTYPEPARENT | Efile = EFILE; Parent Email/Attachment/Embedded Object = EMAIL. | |
APPNAME | Native application that created the associated file. This is based on the file’s signature. For example, for Adobe PDF files this would equal PDF. | |
FILENAME | Original file name of the file. | |
FILEEXT | Exported extension of the file. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would read MHT. | |
ORIGFILEEXT | Original extension of the file. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would read MSG. | |
FILESIZE | Size of the original file in bytes. | |
FILESIZEKB | Size of the original file in kilobytes. | |
EXPORTFILESIZE | Size of the exported file in bytes. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would be populated with the size of the MHT file, and not the size of the original MSG file. | |
EXPORTFILESIZEKB | Size of the exported file in kilobytes. For example, if an MSG file is exported as an MHT file, this field would be populated with the size of the MHT file, and not the size of the original MSG file. | |
ARCHIVESTORE | Name of email archive (PST/OST/NSF) and non email archive (ZIP/RAR etc.) from which the file was extracted. | |
IMPORTPATH | Original path of the associated file with the file name. | |
RELATIVEPATH | Original path of the associated file without the file name. | |
RELATIVEPATHPARENT | Recommended over RELATIVEPATH. This is the original file path of the associated file without the file name for the parent item. The difference between RELATIVEPATH and RELATIVEPATHPARENT is if the file is an attachment or embedded object, the RELATIVEPATH will contain the full path to these items including the parent item’s name. For example, an email attachment’s RELATIVEPATH = Test.PST\Inbox\\, where the RELATIVEPATHPARENT = Test.PST\Inbox. | |
PROJECTPATH | File path to the native file stored in the project’s Processing Folder. This is the doclink field for Relativity® Exports when using the Set File Links (Processing Path) & Copy Files for the Native File Copy Mode setting. | |
FULLTEXT | The extracted text of the file. This is the extracted text field for Relativity® Exports. | |
NATIVEFILE | Full file path to the deliverable native file. This is the doclink field for Relativity® Exports when using the Set File Links (Export Path) for the Native File Copy Mode setting. | |
TEXTFILE | Full file path to the deliverable text file. | |
RELATIVENATIVEFILE | Relative file path to the deliverable native file. | |
RELATIVETEXTFILE | Relative file path to the deliverable text file. | |
MASTERDATE | Date | Efiles = OSLASTMODDATE. If OSLASTMODDATE is not available OSCREATEDDATE will be used. Email & Attachment = DATESENT of parent email. If DATESENT is not available EMAILDATERECEIVED will be used. If neither is available (e.g., drafts) the modified date internal to the email archive will be used if available. NoteThis field is used for the date restrictions within Discovery Manager. |
MASTERTIME | Time | Efiles = OSLASTMODTIME. If OSLASTMODTIME is not available OSCREATEDTIME will be used. Email & Attachment = TIMESENT of parent email. If TIMESENT is not available EMAILTIMERECEIVED will be used. If neither is available (e.g., drafts) the modified time internal to the email archive will be used if available. |
MASTERDATETIME | Date/Time | MASTERDATE and MASTERTIME combined into one field. |
OSCREATEDDATE | Date | File system created date. |
OSCREATEDTIME | Time | File system created time. |
OSCREATEDDATETIME | Date/Time | File system created date and time combined in one field. |
OSLASTMODDATE | Date | File system last modified date. |
OSLASTMODTIME | Time | File system last modified time. |
OSLASTMODDATETIME | Date/Time | File system last modified date and time combined in one field. |
OSLASTACCESSEDDATE | Date | File system last accessed date. |
OSLASTACCESSEDTIME | Time | File system last accessed time. |
OSLASTACCESSEDDATETIME | Date/Time | File system last accessed date and time combined in one field. |
MD5HASH | The MD5 Hash of the file. | |
PARENTCHILDMD5 | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with their MD5 hash value twice. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the parent item’s MD5 hash followed immediately by their MD5 hash. | |
SHAHASH | The SHA Hash of the file. *NOTE* - this field is populated by the 'Enable SHA256 Hash' option. | |
ISPARENT | Boolean | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with TRUE. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with FALSE. |
ISDUPLICATE | Boolean | If the file is duplicate: TRUE; If the file is not duplicate: FALSE. |
CUSTWITHDUPES * | Multi-Value | If the file is an original file and has duplicates, the original file will be populated with the Custodian name(s) of the Custodians that contain a duplicative copy of the file within the project. This analysis is only performed on the project level. |
CUSTWITHDUPESCUST * | Multi-Value | This field is the same as CUSTWITHDUPES with one exception. If the custodian that contains the original copy of the file does not contain a duplicate copy within their population their name will not be included in the CUSTWITHDUPES field. However in the CUSTWITHDUPESCUST field, in this example, the Custodian’s name would be populated. |
MSGNO | All efiles and parent emails will be populated with their ‘I’TVFILEID’S’TVFILEID. Attachments and embedded objects will be populated with the ‘I’Parent item’s TVFILEID’S’Attachment’s TVFILEID, etc. So if a parent email has the TVFILEID 1 and has one attachment that has the TVFILEID 2 the parent email = I1S1 and the attachment = I1S2 | |
SEARCHTERM | Multi-Value | The responsive search term(s) of the file. If there are multiple search terms responsive to the file, the search terms will be separated with a semicolon. |
SEARCHGROUPS | Multi-Value | The name of the Discovery Manager Keyword Group(s) the file is assigned to. If the file belongs to multiple Keyword Groups, the Keyword Groups will be separated with a semicolon. |
COLLECTIONLOCATION | The Collection Location of the file. This information is captured when assigning data to a custodian in the Custodians Module. This can be changed after data assignment by unassigning the data from the Custodian and applying properly when assigning the data to the Custodian again. | |
COLLECTIONSOURCE | The Collection Source of the file. This information is captured when assigning data to a Custodian in the Custodians Module. This can be changed after data assignment by unassigning the data from the Custodian and applying properly when assigning the data to the Custodian again. | |
MEDIADESCRIPTION | This will apply the information provided within the Description field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used for that purpose thus making it more like a custom field at export time. | |
CUSTODIANTITLE | This will apply the information provided within the Title field in the Custodians Module for a particular Custodian for all files assigned to the Custodian. This field can be edited after assigning data to a particular Custodian. This does not have to be a title. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular Custodian, like a bar code, this field could be used for that purpose thus making it more like a custom field at export time. | |
MEDIAMODEL | This will apply the information provided within the Model Number field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used for that purpose thus making it more like a custom field at export time. | |
MEDIAMANUFACTURER | This will apply the information provided within the Manufacturer field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a media manufacturer. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used for that purpose thus making it more like a custom field at export time. | |
MEDIASERIAL | This will apply the information provided within the Serial Number field in the Imports Module for a particular import for all files within the import. This field can be edited after an import has completed for a particular import. This does not have to be a serial number. If there is something unique to be captured for all files within a particular import, like a bar code, this field could be used for that purpose thus making it more like a custom field at export time. | |
INDEXSTATUS | The Discovery Manager Index status of the file. This can only be one value. | |
LANGUAGE | Multi-Value | The language(s) identified within the file. Up to 3 languages will be identified for a given file. If the file contains more than 1 language, the languages will be separated by a semicolon, and will be ordered in percentage of the language contained within the file from largest to smallest. |
LANGUAGECHAR | Multi-Value | The language(s) identified within the file followed by their character count within the file. Up to 3 languages will be identified for a given file. If the file contains more than 1 language, the languages will be separated by a semicolon, and will be ordered in percentage of the language contained within the file from largest to smallest. |
LANGUAGEPER | Multi-Value | The language(s) identified within the file followed by their percentage contained within the file. Up to 3 languages will be identified for a given file. If the file contains more than 1 language, the languages will be separated by a semicolon, and will be ordered in percentage of the language contained within the file from largest to smallest. |
ATTACHMENTS | Multi-Value | Populated on parent emails and attached email files only. If the email has an attachment the name of the attachment will be populated. Multiple attachment names will be separated by a semicolon. |
TAGS | Multi-Value | The name of the Decision Engine Tag(s) assigned to the file. If the file belongs to multiple Tags within the Decision Engine, the Tags will be separated with a semicolon. |
IMPORTQCCOMMENT | Multi-Value | The Import QC comment applied to the file when the file was moved to QC Cleared by the user. |
QCFLAGCATEGORY | Multi-Value | The QCFlagCategory(s) assigned to the file. If the file belongs to multiple QCFlagCategory fields, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
TIMEZONE | Text | Timezone value used when importing scope data. |
DUPEPATHS * | Multi-Value | This is only populated for parent-level original files, it is not populated for duplicates. It contains all duplicates' paths but does not contain the original's path. The original's path is contained in the RelativePathParent field. Non-parent-level records will be empty. |
DUPEPATHSWITHORIG * | Multi-Value | This is populated for all parent-level records except in the case where the record is an original without duplicate(s). It contains all of the duplicate paths including the original's. If the record is an original without duplicates, then it will be empty and the original's path will be contained in the RelativePathParent field. Non-parent-level records will be empty. |
FILEIDPARENTID | Populated for children with the exported FileID of the corresponding parent item. | |
ENCRYPTED | Boolean | If the file is encrypted, the value will be TRUE. |
DECRYPTED | Boolean | If the file was decrypted within Discovery Manager, the value will be TRUE. |
KEY | Boolean | If metadata associated with the file was marked Key in the Decision Engine, the value will be TRUE. |
QUERY | Multi-Value | The Decision Engine Query(s) of the file. If there are multiple Queries responsive to the file, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
CONCEPTTERMS | Multi-Value | The responsive concept search term(s) of the file. If there are multiple search terms responsive to the file, the search terms will be separated with a semicolon. |
CONCEPTGROUPS | Multi-Value | The name of the Discovery Manager Concept Search Group(s) the file is assigned to. If the file belongs to multiple Concept Search Groups, the Concept Search Groups will be separated with a semicolon. |
CLOSESTCONCEPT | A concept score ranging anywhere from 0.50 to 1.0. A file with a score of 1.0 would be an exact match, a file with a score of 0.60 would be somewhat conceptually related. The Closest Concept is the concept search that is the most conceptually similar to the file in the concept search result. | |
NDPARENT | Boolean | If the file which is considered the principal item of the near duplicate group which all other group members are compared against, this field will be TRUE. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. |
NDFAMILYID | A group identifier to identify all items in the same textual near-duplicate group. This value will be the TVFILEID of the principal item in the group, which is the item against which all other group members were compared. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. | |
NDSIMILARITY | The similarity of an item compared to the principal item of a near-duplicate group. This value is expressed as a decimal percent in the range of [0-100]. The principal item of the group, and any exact duplicate of it, will always have a value of 100. This value is populated on the near duplicate group level. | |
NDNUMCHARS | The number of characters found in the item text. This will include all words (including numbers). Uses of this value could include special handling of near duplicates of very short texts and ordering items within a near-duplicate group by size. This value is calculated and populated on the file level. | |
HASPATTERN | Boolean | If the file matches at least 1 pattern, the value will be true. |
PATTERNNAME | Multi-Value | The Pattern Names of the file. If there are multiple Patterns responsive to the file, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
* Live data fields - These fields that don’t exist within SQL but are populated at export time. |
Efile Fields | Type | Description |
ISEMBEDDEDOBJECT | Boolean | If the file is an embedded object, the value will be TRUE. |
HASEMBEDDEDOBJECTS | Boolean | If the file has an embedded object(s), the value will be TRUE. |
HASHIDDENCONTENT | Boolean | If the file has Hidden Content, the value will be TRUE. |
HIDDENCONTENT | Multi-Value | The Hidden Content of the file. If the file contains several Hidden Content values, the values will be separated with a semicolon. |
EFILETITLE | Title of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
EFILEDOCAUTHOR | Author of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
EFILELASTAUTHOR | Last Author of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
EFILECOMPANY | Company of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METASUBJECT | Subject of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METAKEYWORDS | Keywords of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METACATEGORY | Category of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METAREVISION | Revision of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METATEMPLATE | Template of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METALASTPRINTDATE | Date | Metadata last printed date where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METALASTPRINTTIME | Time | Metadata last printed time where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METALASTPRINTDATETIME | Date/Time | Metadata last printed date and time combined in one field where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METACREATEDDATE | Date | Metadata created date where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. Content created in MS Office. |
METACREATEDTIME | Time | Metadata created time where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METACREATEDDATETIME | Date/Time | Metadata created date and time combined in one field where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METALASTMODDATE | Date | Metadata last modified date where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. Data Last Saved in MS Office. |
METALASTMODTIME | Time | Metadata last modified time where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METALASTMODDATETIME | Date/Time | Metadata last modified date and time combined in one field where applicable. NoteThis is metadata stored within a file, not from a file system. |
METACOMMENTS | Comments of the efile extracted from the file’s metadata. | |
METADATA | Bucket field containing all efile metadata. |
Email Fields | Type | Description |
EMAILFOLDER | Folder where the email item originated. Populated on parent emails only. | |
FROM | Sender of the email. | |
TO | Recipient(s) of the email. | |
CC | Recipient(s) of the email. | |
BCC | Recipient(s) of the email. | |
RECIPIENTS | Multi-Value | All Recipient(s) fields of the email combined in one field. |
EMAILADDRESSESALL | Multi-Value | All Email address fields (Sender and Recipients) of the email combined in one field. |
SUBJECT | Subject of the email. | |
DATESENT | Date | Date Sent of the email. |
TIMESENT | Time | Time Sent of the email. |
DATETIMESENT | Date/Time | Date Sent date and time of the email combined in one field. |
EMAILDATERECEIVED | Date | Date Received of the email. |
EMAILTIMERECEIVED | Time | Time Received of the email. |
EMAILDATETIMERECEIVED | Date/Time | Date Received date and time of the email combined in one field. |
EMAILITEMTYPE | The item type of the email according to native application. | |
EMAILPRIORITY | Priority of the email. | |
EMAILREADSTATUS | Read status of the email. | |
EMAILENTRYID | Entry ID of the email; Entry ID applies to Microsoft email; Universal ID of the email; Universal ID applies to Lotus Notes email. | |
EMAILINTMESSAGEID | Internet Message ID of the email; only applies to Microsoft email. | |
EMAILTRANSPORTHEADERS | Email Transport Header of the email; only applies to Microsoft email. | |
CONVINDEX | Conversation Index of the email; only applies to Microsoft email. | |
CONVBASEINDEX | First 44 characters of Conversation Index of the email; only applies to Microsoft email. | |
CONVTOPIC | Normalized subject of the email captured directly from the email. | |
APPTBEGDATE | Date | Start date of email appointment. |
APPTBEGTIME | Time | Start time of the email appointment. |
APPTBEGDATETIME | Date/Time | Start date and time of the email appointment combined in one field. |
APPTENDDATE | Date | End date of email appointment. |
APPTENDTIME | Time | End time of the email appointment. |
APPTENDDATETIME | Date/Time | End date and time of the email appointment combined in one field. |
DOMAINS | Sender and Recipient domains combined into one field. Where applicable. | |
SENTONBEHALFOF | The email address of an individual that has granted Send On Behalf Of permission to another user or a delegate. For example, if John Doe ( has granted Bob Doe ( rights to be a delegate to send email on John’s behalf, and Bob has sent an email on John’s behalf, this field would be populated with John’s email address, whereas Bob’s email address would be populated in the FROM field. | |
RECIPIENTCOUNT | Total number of recipients of the email. | |
READRECEIPTREQ | Boolean | If the email was a read receipt email, the value will be TRUE. |
DELIVERYREPORTREQ | Boolean | If the email was a delivery report, the value will be TRUE. |
INTREPLYTOID | Email In-Reply-To ID used to pull together email threads. | |
INTREFERENCES | Internet references used to pull together email threads. | |
EMAILSENSITIVITY | The Sensitivity of the email is the level of importance for an email ( ). This applies to Outlook email from 2007 and later only. | |
EMAILINTFILEPATH | Relative file path to email inside of the archive. For example, if the email was in the Financials folder underneath the Inbox folder, this would read Inbox\Financials | |
ZANTAZRECIP | Multi-Value | Exchange/Outlook: Every recipient on an email thread (i.e. TO, CC, BCC) for Zantaz emails. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEINTERNETRECIPIENTS | Multi-Value | Domino/Notes: Lists the internet addresses of each recipient on a thread ( and not what appears in the mail client (Doe, John). Groups are expanded so each recipient is listed. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALFROM | Multi-Value | Domino/Notes: Lists the sender of the email item. |
ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALRECIPIENTS | Multi-Value | Domino/Notes: Lists the view of recipients (Doe, John) and not the internet address ( |
ZANTAZARCHIVERECIPIENTS | Multi-Value | Domino/Notes: Provides the same information as ZANTAZARCHIVEORIGINALRECIPIENTS except groups are expanded. |
EMAILTHREADID | A group identifier assigned to all items in the same email thread. This value will be the TVFILEID of the earliest email within the thread. This value is calculated and populated on the thread and family level. All Emails and attachments within the thread will contain the EMAILTHREADID. | |
EMAILTHREADDIRECTION | Indicates the probable action the sender of the email performed to generate an email. This value will be one of the following: NEW, REPLY, REPLY ALL, FORWARD or DRAFT. | |
EMAILTHREADNUMITEMS | Indicates the number of total items within the thread (all emails and attachments). | |
EMAILTHREADINCLUSIVE | Boolean | Indicates a subset of emails in an email family that contain all of the text of all of the emails in the family; for such emails the field will be TRUE. If a user were to read all emails flagged with this metadata they will have read all authored content of the entire email family without needing to read all of the email items. |
APP_TYPE | In Processing files are grouped under Super Types such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Email, etc. (full list below) to group files together and to map these values to the Application Type field in Review. • DocType 0 - Word Processing | |
DECRYPTIONPASSWORD | Text | Gathers a listing of the passwords used to decrypt files within Processing: Within the Preview module, an additional field has been added for ‘DecryptionPassword’. This field should populate with a password used to unlock any given file which has been decrypted. |
CONVERSATION | Populated with the display field in RSMFConversations for all exported events. | |
CONVERSATIONID | Populated with the Id field in RSMFConversations for all exported events. | |
CONVERSATIONPARTICIPANTS | All participants in a given conversation. | |
CONVERSATIONSLICESENDERS | All participants who sent messages within a given 24-hour window. | |
EXIFLATITUDE | Text | Location metadata for digital image content. |
EXIFLONGITUDE | Text | Location metadata for digital image content. |
EXIFBUCKET | Text | Digital image content source. |
PDFEXPORTPATH | When a user is specifically exporting using a Parent/Child export and when exporting a PDF image, the PDF export path will be filled. This field has the full path to the exported PDF file. |