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Reveal Processing

Processing - 2024.3.0.705 Release Notes

Release Notes - Reveal Processing 2024.3.0.705 GA (Release Date 5/06/2024)

Issue Type






Overlays Failing to Create Index Job and Erroring Out.

Overlay into Review could fail due to indexing jobs failing to create in large volume projects. Multiple indexes are now generated every 500k documents to reduce the possibility of errors.



Beg/End FileIDs not appearing in Export Scope.

BegFileID and EndFileID values were not populated within the Export Scope Modifiers area of Export Set creation due to a SQL function not running as intended. This has been resolved so that these values are present as expected.



RSMF Parent Natives exporting as corrupt pdfs.

RMSF natives would be output as corrupt PDF files at export time. This has been corrected to generate the intended native format of HTML.



Exports not progressing past Writing a DAT file status.

Exports exceeding 250k documents could run into a hanging state while writing the DAT file. Logic has been improved to better ensure successful results in this scenario.



Duplicate Archives are Not Processsing When the Original is In Progress.

In very specific situations a duplicate of an archive with current extraction in progress could be left unprocessed. Handling has been improved in this scenario to ensure the duplicate archives are properly accounted for.


Selective Set

Launch Native and Launch to Folder in Selective Set not working 2024.3.0.662.

An issue prevented the ability to launch native and launch to folder in a selective set to work as intended. This has been resolved.


Selective Set

Document Level Selective Set Scopes not bringing in Family Members in Export.

A flaw in a SQL query could result in the family members not being brought in when configuring a Selective Set Scope for Export. This logic has been improved to ensure family members are accounted for.