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Reveal Processing

Reveal Processing Common Log File Errors

Within the Processing Framework, exception-related information is logged to the table [dbo].[Errors] within the project database. Ultimately, the status of a processing task should guide remediation efforts, as the presence of an exception within the database does not necessarily mean that the processing task failed.


Error Message



Processing frozen at item number #

This error will occur when a container file times out during child extraction due to ‘freezing’ during processing. This is observed at times with PST/ OST/NSF files. This exception is typically due to corruption within the message store.

Remediation efforts should be attempted on the archive.

Actual/Expected Child Count Mismatch

This error will be associated with a container when the actual generated child count during extraction is not equal to the expected child count collected prior to extraction. Similar to the previous error, this message often indicates corruption within the container.

Remediation efforts should be attempted on the archive.

Error Importing : 0x80030050…

This is an informative error which indicates that an item identified as an email could not be loaded as an email as is the case with corrupt loose/attached MSG files.

Unless a disproportionate volume of these messages is found, no remediation work is needed and they can be referenced as informative errors.


This exception will be logged during archive processing of the source archive from the processing repository cannot be accessed.

If this exception is logged, then the presence of the project path needs to be validated. This exception can also be generated when connectivity issues exist between the agent and the processing folder, when temp space is entirely consumed on the agent, or when the source file has been quarantined by antivirus.

Zero items extracted from email archive

This exception will be logged for any email archive where zero children have been extracted during processing. While this error will be logged for empty PSTs, if this occurs on a PST that is not empty (as can be identified by its file size) it typically appears in conjunction with an additional exception.

Child Related Errors

This will occur for NSF files where a child-related error such as an encrypted attachment is encountered.

This can only be remediated by changes to the archive itself (such as applying certificates/ etc)


Error Message



ExportSets/DatTable Count Mismatch

This error indicates that record(s) are either missing or duplicated within an export load file. While infrequent, this can occur when expected referential integrity is not maintained for a record.

This ultimately required involving support to determine where the issue within the database exists and to determine what needs to be done to remediate it.

Failed to copy native, check antivirus logs

This exception will be logged if a native file cannot be found at its expected path within the processing folder.

This can occur if antivirus has quarantined the file, if it has been moved, or if there are other connectivity issues that need to be addressed.

General Processing Jobs


    • Job recovery will be attempted both automatically and at times when initiated by a user. This occurs when it is determined through the database that an agent has crashed and job processing tasks have been left allocated to an unresponsive machine. Job recovery will free up those tasks so that they can be consumed and processed by a different agent. This process will log informative messages around what was done in the job recovery. The recovery itself is done by the stored procedures in the project database named [dbo][u_RecoverJob*].

QC Flag Category

Within the Import QC module, files which errored during processing are broken out into Archive Exceptions or File Level Exceptions and listed under a specific QC Flag Category. These categories are listed below along with their dataset criteria:


[ProcessingFiles].[ExtractionStatus] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[ImportStatus] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[Protected] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[FileSize] = 0


[ProcessingFiles].[NeedsExtraction] = 1 AND [ProcessingFiles].[ChildCount] = 0


[ProcessingFiles].[Archive] = 1 AND [ProcessingFiles].[ExpectedChildCount] <> [ProcessingFiles].[ChildCount]


[ProcessingFiles].[FileType] IN (1227, 1818) AND [ProcessingFiles].[FileType] = exists (select * from errors (nolock) where [ParentID] = [ProcessingFiles].[FileID])


[ProcessingFiles].[FileType] = 1999


[ProcessingFiles].[MetaExtractionStatus] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[TextExtractionStatus] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[OCR] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[Archive] = 0 AND [ProcessingFiles].[ExpectedChildCount] <> [ProcessingFiles].[ChildCount]


[ProcessingFiles].[ExifMetaExtractionStatus] = 1


[ProcessingFiles].[LangIdStatus] = 1

Reveal Processing Service

Outside of the scope of a processing job, the Reveal Processing Service will log exception and informative status information to a custom event log named Reveal Processing under Applications and Service logs. This event log should be examined whenever the service starts but fails to keep running, or if the service has crashed for any reason.