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Reveal Processing

Processing Relativity® Short Message Format (RSMF)

Relativity® Short Message Format (RSMF) was made for the handling, delivering, and transporting short message information and records.


What is an RSMF File?

The RSMF file is an RFC 5322 standard and compliant internet message formatted file. The RSMF is carved into a “header” section and a “body” section. This is the “content” of the internet email messages or short messages. Relativity® in this specification has encapsulated and containerized the short messages into a, which is wrapped in an EML file. The file will also have containerized an rsmf_manifest.json file inside. The file may also house attachments and avatar files. This results in a short messaging solution to be processed and pushed into review.

What is the RSMF_MANIFEST.JSON File?

The rsmf_manifest.json is a specifically-formatted JSON file containing the activity in the short messages, such as:

  • Participants

  • Conversations

  • Events

  • Event Collection IDs (this was introduced in RSMF 2.0 as of Relativity® v12.1.2).

Information from destinations like Leeway, Snapchat, and SMS are changed over into one simple-to-peruse RSMF document, a record that contains text and metadata compressed from the actual information.

What follows is a description of how Reveal handles short message format data from ingestion and processing to review.

Ingest RSMF from unstructured data

Reveal Processing has been engineered to improve positive identification of RSMF as a distinct file type and process these data in a format that is required for the Reveal review environment.

The primary requirement for processing of RSMF files is the RFC RSMF wrapper (the EML) which contains the header and body.  The header has a required field (X-RSMF-Version) in order for processing to truly identify the content for full processing support. This is true for both RSMF versions 1.0 and 2.0. Inside the RSMF.ZIP wrapped in the EML are an RSMF file and the rsmf_manifest.json file. 

  • The RSMF file contains virtual paths and instructions to process the content that resides in the rsmf_manifest.json. 

  • The manifest will contain the participants, conversations, events, and event collection ids.

  • Attachments and avatars will also fall inline inside the file.

During Archive Processing, Filetype 10007 (RSMF_ZIP Files) requires special processing from standard zip files. Conversations are created in 24-hour chunks as a single ‘document’ and with the associated metadata are provided as a record in the database. If a conversation spans multiple 24-hour periods (or 'slices'), the relationship will be identified. There will be metadata containing some of the key information, such as communicators (participants), time period, communication type, multi-document number tracking.


On upload, documents are tallied under only one of the following categories: Efile, Email, ShortMessage, or attachments.

Adapt Uploader Report to RSMF

Documents are counted as Efile, Email, ShortMessage or attachments, and only one of those categories.

Searching and selecting RSMF metadata for export

RSMF contains several key metadata that may be filtered and analyzed in preparing the data for export to Review. Reveal Processing handles this in the following manner as part of export preparation.

  1. Under Selective Set, click New Selective Set.

  2. Under Selective Set Builder use the dropdown arrow to choose Short Message.

  3. You may check Apply Date Restriction and then choose a date or dates After, Before or Between specified values.

  4. Under the Short Message tab, you may choose to:

    1. Specify the Conversations for export, recalling that RSMF conversations are grouped by day (in PDF digest documents) and continuing conversation are threaded together in PDF metadata.

    2. Specify the Participants of interest for export (using either CONVERSATIONPARTICIPANTS or CONVERSATIONSLICESENDERS as set out under Exports below).

  5. Add these values to the Selective Set Table.

  6. Select the Search to be used (for example, KEYWORD GROUP Quality Assurance).

  7. Run Search.


RSMF Export

Current email export fields around participants have been extended to account for participants within an RSMF conversation with the following new export fields:

  • CONVERSATION - This should be populated with the display field in RSMFConversations for all exported events.

  • CONVERSATIONID - This should be populated with the Id field in RSMFConversations for all exported events.

  • CONVERSATIONPARTICIPANTS - This should be all participants in a given conversation.

  • CONVERSATIONSLICESENDERS - This should be all participants who sent messages within a given 24-hour window.

  • CONVERSATIONPLATFORM - RSMF text application, capturing values such as SMS, WhatsApp, etc.

Native Only Exports allows for some export capabilities of RSMF data by exporting parent RSMD Events to create an EML.

RSMF Rendering for Export Purposes

The current deliverable for RSMF at export time is a text conversion of a 24-hour window of a scoped conversation, though this may also be rendered as a json file. Short Message Handling must be set to Conv. by Day format selection in the Export Module to generate this output.


NOTE these differences in review platform formatting:

MHT is the default export format in Reveal 10 when Conv. by Day is the method chosen for handling short messages.

HTM is the default export format in Reveal 11 when Conv. by Day is the method chosen for handling short messages.

  • The Standard template or a custom template may be used. Always make sure Native/HTML mapping is present.

This rendering should include inline images, icons, and avatars as appropriate. Responses and Reactions should be indicated with a tab structure. Given a FileID for a short message within a conversation, create a rendering of a 24-hour window of messages within the conversation. Ultimately what is developed here is what will be utilized at export time.

Once exported to Reveal 11 from Processing, the RSMF conversation documents and metadata will be available for review under the App Name RSMF_EVENT.
